Blog Every Day Challenge (kind of)

Friday 28 June 2013

(from here)

I recently came across some posts entitled 'Blog every Day in May' and a bit of investigation led me to see that it was indeed a challenge in the bloggy world. Now, I am fully aware that it is fast approaching July and so I've missed the boat on taking part in that particular challenge. Not that I am sure I'd want to, its a lot of pressure I feel.

However, reading through some of the post topics, I thought they seemed really nice prompts for some more personal posts, and why not pick some ones to do. So that I have done, and will do!

If you head to this lovely blog, you can see the rules and the topic suggestions.

So if you see some random posts popping up over the next few days/weeks, now you know why :)

Happy weekend everyone x

1 comment:

I heart comments!